The Nemechek protocol, our journey

Disclaimer: this is not a medical advice. We do not take any responsibility for any unsuccessful or successful attempts to try this protocol. As well as we do not take any responsibility for any effects of three main parts of this protocol (inulin, fish oil, olive oil) on anybody’s health. Medical Disclaimer: The advice found here is NOT intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.

Our start
I heard for the first time about the Nemechek protocol in autumn 2019.  Later on I joined the Facebook group and started to read and learn about the protocol from other people already using it. I have to say, I was really amazed, it was often breath taking reading. Did not really know, if I should even believe those major changes in lives of so many families. And I have to say, I was obviously not patient enough to start. Did not take too long, and we started with it. First “mistake” was that we started with flax seed oil, as I was told it contains a lot of Omega 3 also, but, not the right one Omega 3….and  although we saw some positive changes also with flax seed oil, T got more “wild” (at first I thought of too much energy suddenly?), she went more regularly to toilet (before constipated all the time), and she started to use her voice much more. We were on flax seed oil for about 2 weeks. After getting more wise I bought a fish cod oil (not recommended brand by the protocol as we were at that time visiting Slovakia), and after returning back to Finland, we started to take this fish oil daily. At the same time, I bought the book about the protocol, and we started to use extra virgin olive oil (Omega 9) for cooking, in salads etc. (again not recommended brand by Protocol, as Dr. Nemechek recommends COOC extra virgin olive oil which is impossible to get here in Finland). Instead, we used and we use PDO oil, i.e. Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) oil, which is a European Union definition.  We were about 2 months in, when our inulin bottle, the last essential part of the protocol, arrived! We added that to our diet, finally we have been IN.

That is at least how we started, though not greatly 😉. Slowly we got all recommended brands in (from iHerb, Vitacost), and these days we continue with recommended fish oil (Nordic Naturals), and inulin (Now brand), but from practical reasons we use PDO olive oil.

Our doses these days:
Age: almost 5 yrs old
Inulin Now brand - 1/16 of teaspoon
Nordic Naturals fish oil Omega-3 (EPA + DHA = 1245 mg) - 2 ml
Extra Virgin olive oil – in/on foods

We started very slowly with inulin (1/32 tsp for 10 days, then we increased to 1/16 tsp), as I heard it can cause very easily discomfort in many children.

Why this protocol?
T has very rare genetic disease, causing overall gross and fine motor delay, hypotony, speech delay (3-4 words only), overall cognitive delay, somewhat SPD and she seems to be on ASD spectrum (not officially confirmed though yet). The main reason why we started this protocol is that I heard it can really “wake up” a child by restoring their neurological function by rebalancing intestinal bacteria and by nourishing the brain, and that very slowly non-verbal kids start to be verbal and slowly catch-up their peers. Yeah, sounds unbelievable, but, honestly, who would not try, if there is even a slight chance, that one day, your kiddo starts to talk? Besides, all the 3 ingredients are pure natural products, no medicine, and you basically use all three already when preparing food (e.g. eating fish, onion, garlic? Using olive oil for cooking?)

Our gains – they are all new “skills”, and appeared after starting the protocol, none of mentioned has been before:

-        - Asks for shirt, gloves: means she finally realises how she feels, cold or hot, higher awareness?
-        - Says “PA”
-        - While wearing trousers, she just pulled them more down to cover her ankles
-         - Washes more herself (and in an appropriate way) when in bath
-        - Asks for lotion when her skin is dry
-        - Asks for cleaning her nose when full
-        - Asks for socks, when she is barefoot and when she wants them
-        - Asks for fork (in case I forget to give her, or if I give her spoon, but food is easier eaten by fork)
-        - She cleans more her toys after playing, and without reminding, asking
-        - Puzzle of 12 pieces – pieces puts much easier together, almost no help needed
-        - “Panda” – I heard saying her Panda word, these days T asks for her plush panda by saying “papa”
-        - She can stand listening audio stories for kids now
-        - Asks that I read her fairy tails
-        - Better concentration
-        - Up to 15 min able to play alone
-     - Uses more her voice
-     - eats bigger portions
      - wasnt sick from November 2019

Yeah, I know, for some people this means nothing, for us all are huge steps forward. One needs to keep in mind that Nemechek protocol is mainly for ASD children/adults. One needs to be more patient and look for much more subtle gains with kids that are more aware and make relatively good eye contact already before the start of the protocol.

What is The Nemechek Protocol?
The Nemechek Protocol is about reversing the key features of autism and developmental disorders. The whole protocol is based on 3 basic ingredients: fish oil, inulin, olive oil. I really recommend buying and reading the book, all is explained in, why and how to implement the protocol, how it works, all dosing according the age. How to recognize and manage relapses. Important part of the protocol is to stop probiotics and to avoid any supplements. Join also the Facebook group for more information and support and motivation!

As this is one very slow process (as Dr. Nemechek says: as slow as your hair grow), no major changes are expected on a daily bases, and you should never compare days, but rather months. Will regularly update this page with our gains or relapses, both belong to this journey.


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