Physiotherapy at "home" ...

... or this time in a therapy pool ;-)

We are in the water almost weekly, and it took us two long years to realize we can use legs in the water! How cool is that! There is sooo much more fun by using also legs, not only hands! We use swimming also for fine motor activities, e.g. by collecting anything what we find from the water surface. Water, as an element, is a great therapy for anybody, not only for children with hypotonia or Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome, who just simple love water. The dark side of this nice hobby is that we get easily cold. We try to fight against it by using wetsuit. Most of the time we are successful. "Swimming" helped us very much in improving gross motor skills, and to get there where we are now = we are walking! It brought a lot of freedom to both, mom and little one.


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