Our life pretty much turns around therapies (speech therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy), doctor's visits, filling up plenty of applications every year, making plans and different meetings. We are hypotonic and started to walk only like 8 months ago, at the age of 3 yrs 2 months. We still do not talk, but we say "mama, yes, no". There are 2-3 therapies in a week, plus exercises done at home on a daily basis. Our main "problem" is called Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome (ASXL3). One pretty rare genetic disease (ca. 200 cases in the world). Wondering, if it is rather our friend these days, and not a problem. Actually, i cannot really imagine our life anymore without that daily challenge, struggle and routine. What we would do without it??? Here I would like to let you know about our progress, what we do to make our life more easy, give you some ideas from therapies, home activities, or even food related things, as feeding was one big problem for years her...